Neck Pain and TMJ Disorders
While the general public may find neck pains to accompany getting older, we consider neck pain to be a sign of a cervical spine issue, and also TMJ Disorders.
The Link Between Neck Pain, Cervical Spine Disorders, and TMD
What is the Cervical Spine?
The Cervical Spine consists of seven bones that are at the top of the spinal column. These seven bones support the weight of the head and control the neck’s flexibility and range of motion. Stiffness and pain in the neck are characteristics of issues with the cervical spine, as well as TMJ disorders.

Both Cervical Spine Disorders and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders are associated with an imbalance of the body. In many instances, if someone has a TMJ Disorder present, they also have a Cervical Spine Disorder.
In fact, about 99.9% of patients who report having cervical spine issues in their new patient exam are diagnosed with TMD.
Do Cervical Spine Disorders cause TMD?
We don’t know whether the TMJ Disorder causes the Cervical Spine Disorder or vice versa. However, we can tell you that any structural malalignment in the body will affect the structures nearby. Think about a car with unbalanced tires or bad alignment. If you don’t get maintenance, the tires wear out much quicker, and if ignored it can negatively affect the entire car.
If you have a cervical spine problem and are also experiencing symptoms, such as facial pain, jaw fatigue, headaches, or ear pain it would benefit you to get an in-depth examination of your jaw joints.