Treatment for TMJ and Sleep Breathing Disorders

If you are tired of headaches, jaw pain, or suffer from a sleep disorder, let us help!

Dr. Wenrick provides non-surgical treatment for adults and children with a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and/or Sleep Breathing Disorders. Through comprehensive evaluation techniques and diagnostic procedures, we can provide successful results and relief to our patients.

For more information, call 931-551-3351.

The Temporomandibular Joints allow us to open and close our mouths, give us the ability to chew, speak, and more. There is a spectrum of disorders that could be occurring if you are having issues with your TMJ.

Sleep breathing disorders are associated with daytime sleepiness and headaches, and affect millions. People suffering from sleep breathing problems may not be aware that they have a disorder. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common disorder of this type.

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Often times, TMD and OSA can go hand and hand, and both present symptoms that are common among many well-known conditions and disorders.

Explore the various resources available on our website to learn more about these disorders. If you suspect that you may have TMD or OSA, or if you have been diagnosed and are looking for alternative treatment methods than what has been offered to you, we recommend calling our office to see what Dr. Wenrick can do for you.