General Wellness OSA

Sleep and its role in the quality of your life…

Have you ever thought about the value of sleep and the impact lack of sleep has on one’s life?

Sleep is one of the most important activities you participate in everyday, other than breathing.

Have you ever thought about the value of sleep and the impact lack of quality rest has on one’s life?  By definition, the word “sleep” means a period of rest for the body and mind, during which volition and consciousness are in abeyance and bodily functions are partially suspended; also described as a behavioral state, with characteristic immobile posture and diminished but readily reversible sensitivity to external stimuli.  Wow!  Sounds very complex doesn’t it?  Proper sleep is so vital to one’s health that without a proper pattern one’s quality of life is diminished.  Regular amounts of sleep are vital to your health, happiness, social life and success.

What could be contributing to my poor quality of sleep?

That can be easy to pinpoint in certain scenarios and harder in others. Consider where you live…is there a lot of outside noise at night that when you are awake you have learned to block out? Do you have a partner that shares a bed with you? Do they have bad sleeping habits, like tossing and turning, snoring, talking, etc.? I have included a list of examples that can impact your quality of sleep, but there are far more reasons out there.

  • Sleep disrupting light, sleeping with a light on, lights shining through window or from other room
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Strange work schedules, such as working night shift one week and day the next
  • Pain
  • Medications and other substances (caffeine, sugar, drugs and alcohol)
  • Sleep Disorders

If you do not believe a medical condition to be the cause of your poor rest, then I would recommend you look into your sleeping environment for the cause. Read on to learn what symptoms can be present with sleeping disorders, like Obstructive Sleep Apnea. You may be surprised that a family member, or even yourself has been living with a Sleep Breathing Disorder for quite sometime.

Sleep Disturbances, woman covering ears with a pillow due to man snoring, man is sleeping with mouth open
Both subjects pictured in this photo are having their sleep disturbed in some way. Whether it is the someone on the left who is up due to snoring, or the someone on the right not oxygenating their blood because they have to sleep with their mouth open. Each of these people will wake up the next day feeling groggy due to a lack of quality sleep.

Someone suffering from a sleep disorder may exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Snoring
  • Sleepier than expected during the day
  • Problems falling asleep
  • Trouble staying asleep
  • Clenches and grinds teeth while asleep
  • Moves around a lot while sleeping
  • Sleepwalks or talks in sleep
  • Has frequent nightmares
  • Poor concentration
  • Behavioral problems in school
  • Memory problems

If you or anyone you know suffers from these symptoms it might be time to have a consultation with a specialist.  The majority of people with sleep disturbances clench and grind their teeth in search of proper air.  Many times this habit known as “Bruxism” goes unnoticed.  It is very common for people to have anatomical constriction associated with breathing. As a result, the brain tells the teeth to grind together and move around in order to widen the space for air to pass through.

Some causes of constricted airway space include: 

  • Large tonsils
  • Forward posturing of the neck
  • TMJ Disorder
  • Whiplash/Neck Trauma
  • Missing back teeth
  • Under developed mandible (lower jaw)
  • Overly large tongue
  • Narrow maxilla (upper jaw)
  • Facial trauma

Most people I treat with TMJ disorders almost always present with sleep disorders as well. The body will do whatever it has to in order to breath in air. This normally includes clenching and grinding the teeth to find a path for air to pass through. 

What do your sleeping habits say about the quality of rest you are getting?

Sleeping on one’s side or tossing and turning while asleep. Posturing the neck and lower jaw forward are also common habits people have in order to open the airway space near the back of the throat.  Breathing through the mouth is also a very good sign that someone suffers from an airway constriction during rest. 

A receded lower jaw (mandible) with a large overjet of the upper front teeth normally appears in people who have sleep disturbances and can usually be detected in very young children.  Treatment for sleep disorders can vary depending on the accuracy of the diagnosis.  Many people with sleep disorders benefit from orthotic sleep appliances that fit securely over the teeth.  Other methods of treatment may be beneficial as well depending on the results of a professional sleep study. A complete dental evaluation of how the teeth occlude together along with a TMJ examination will aid in a complete and proper diagnosis of most types of sleep disorders.

With today’s diagnostic imaging technology, along with a thorough clinical evaluation, many people are living life better than ever before simply by solving airway obstruction problems.  Therefore, you should pay close attention to the symptoms mentioned above and if you or your loved ones suffer from any form of disturbance while you are resting, I recommend you seek a consultation and evaluation.  A well trained dentist who focuses on TMJ and airway space disorders is a great starting point! 

Read more about disorders that can affect your rest: Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Yours for Better Health,

Dr. Christine R. Wenrick

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